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Fit for Life: The Impact of Exercise on Men’s Health

June is Men’s Health Month, a time to spotlight the critical role of exercise in promoting men’s health and well-being. Regular physical activity is a cornerstone of preventive health care, offering profound benefits that extend beyond physical fitness to mental and emotional health.

The Benefits of Exercise for Men:

  1. Cardiovascular Health: Regular exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death among men, by improving heart function, lowering blood pressure, and increasing good cholesterol levels.
  2. Weight Management: Combating obesity is crucial for preventing chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, and exercise is a key component in maintaining a healthy weight.
  3. Mental Health: Physical activity releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression.
  4. Muscle Strength and Bone Health: Strength training increases muscle mass and bone density, which is particularly important as men age and start to lose muscle strength and bone mass.
  5. Chronic Disease Prevention: Regular exercise helps prevent or manage chronic conditions, including diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis.

Incorporating Exercise into Daily Life:

  1. Find an Activity You Enjoy: The best exercise is the one you will stick with, whether it’s cycling, swimming, lifting weights, or playing a sport.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Start with achievable goals and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to avoid burnout and injury.
  3. Make It a Habit: Consistency is key. Try to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, even if it’s just a short walk.
  4. Seek Support: Joining a gym, finding a workout buddy, or participating in group sports can provide motivation and accountability.
  5. Listen to Your Body: It’s important to recognize your body’s signals and allow time for rest and recovery to prevent injuries.

Challenges and Solutions:

Many men face barriers to regular exercise, including busy schedules, lack of motivation, or fear of injury. Overcoming these challenges starts with prioritizing health and finding creative solutions, like short, high-intensity workouts to fit into a busy day or trying low-impact exercises to reduce the risk of injury.


Men’s Health Month serves as a reminder of the importance of exercise in promoting a healthier, happier life for men at any age. By making physical activity a priority, men can significantly improve their physical and mental health, setting a strong foundation for a healthy future. Remember, it’s never too late to start, and every step towards a more active lifestyle is a step towards better health.

Navigating Through Grief: Understanding Loss in Later Life

May, recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, brings a crucial aspect of mental health into the spotlight—grief and loss in older adults. As we age, the inevitability of losing peers, partners, and aspects of our independence becomes a more frequent reality. Understanding and navigating through grief is essential for the mental health and well-being of our elderly population.

The Unique Nature of Grief in Older Adults:

Grief in later life is often multifaceted. It’s not just about dealing with the death of loved ones but also grieving the loss of physical abilities, independence, and the significant changes that come with aging. Older adults might face the challenge of mourning privately to avoid burdening their families, or they may feel their grief is dismissed as a normal part of aging, both of which can lead to isolation.

Recognizing the Signs of Grief:

Grief can manifest differently in older adults. Beyond sadness, it may appear as fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, or disinterest in previously enjoyed activities. It’s crucial to recognize these signs and understand they represent a normal, albeit painful, part of the grieving process.

Supporting Older Adults Through Grief:

  1. Open Conversations: Encourage discussions about loss in a supportive and non-judgmental way. Sharing memories and feelings can be a therapeutic way to process grief.
  2. Professional Support: Counseling or grief support groups can offer a safe space to express feelings and learn coping strategies. Many communities and online platforms offer resources specifically tailored to older adults.
  3. Promoting Physical Health: Physical activity and maintaining a routine can help manage symptoms of depression and anxiety associated with grief.
  4. Encouraging Social Connections: Isolation can exacerbate grief. Facilitating connections with friends, family, or through community organizations can provide essential emotional support.

The Role of Caregivers and Families:

Caregivers and family members play a vital role in recognizing the signs of complicated grief, which is more severe and prolonged, and may require professional intervention. Being patient, offering a listening ear, and simply being present can make a significant difference in the healing process.


Grief in older adults deserves attention and understanding, not just during Mental Health Awareness Month but year-round. By acknowledging the depth of their loss, providing support, and facilitating access to resources, we can help older adults navigate their grief and move towards healing. Remember, it’s never too late to seek help, and addressing mental health is a crucial step in ensuring the overall well-being of our elderly loved ones.

Recognizing Parkinson’s Awareness Month: Understanding, Support, and Hope

April marks Parkinson’s Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about Parkinson’s disease (PD), a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement. With millions of people worldwide living with PD, the importance of understanding, supporting, and advancing research for this condition cannot be overstated. This month, we aim to shed light on the challenges faced by those with Parkinson’s, celebrate the strides in research and treatment, and offer ways for communities to come together in support of individuals and families affected by PD.

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is characterized by the degeneration of nerve cells in the part of the brain called the substantia nigra, which controls movement. This degeneration causes a reduction in dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in coordinating movement, leading to the symptoms commonly associated with PD. These symptoms include tremors, stiffness, slowness of movement, and balance problems. While the disease progresses differently in each individual, the impact on daily living can be significant.

The Importance of Early Diagnosis

Early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can be challenging, as symptoms are often subtle and gradual. However, early detection is crucial for managing symptoms effectively. Neurologists use a combination of medical history, physical examinations, and sometimes specialized imaging tests to diagnose PD. Awareness of the early signs of Parkinson’s is essential for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Advances in Treatment and Care

While there is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease, significant advances in treatment have been made. Medications can help manage symptoms by increasing dopamine levels or mimicking its effects. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy are also integral parts of managing the disease, helping individuals maintain mobility, function, and communication.

Innovative research into new treatments, including gene therapy, stem cell therapy, and neuroprotective strategies, offers hope for the future. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery has also provided life-changing benefits for some people with PD, improving quality of life where medication alone is not sufficient.

Supporting Those Affected by Parkinson’s

  • Support for individuals with Parkinson’s and their families is vital. Parkinson’s can be an isolating experience, and the support from communities can make a significant difference. Here are a few ways to offer support:
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Learning about Parkinson’s disease and sharing your knowledge can help dispel myths and reduce stigma.
  • Participate in Awareness Events: Join or organize Parkinson’s awareness events in your community. These can include fundraising walks, educational seminars, or support group meetings.
  • Advocate for Research Funding: Advocate for increased funding for Parkinson’s research at both the national and local levels to support the search for a cure.
  • Volunteer: Many organizations that support PD research and patients rely on volunteers for their programs and events.
  • Offer Practical Help: For families affected by PD, practical support such as helping with daily tasks, providing transportation, or simply being there to listen can be incredibly helpful.

The Power of Hope and Community

Parkinson’s Awareness Month is not only about understanding the disease but also about fostering a sense of community and hope. By coming together, sharing stories, and supporting research, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by PD. Let this month be a reminder of the strength found in unity and the ongoing journey towards a future without Parkinson’s disease.


As we observe Parkinson’s Awareness Month, let’s commit to increasing awareness, supporting those in need, and contributing to the advancement of research. Every effort counts in the fight against Parkinson’s disease, and together, we can look forward to a day when this condition can be effectively treated or even cured. Remember, through understanding, support, and hope, we can make a significant impact on the lives of individuals and families navigating the challenges of Parkinson’s disease.

Caregivers vs. Companions 

Caregivers and companions enable older adults to live comfortably in their homes while receiving the support they need to remain safe, healthy and happy. These roles have different benefits depending on an older adult’s physical and emotional needs.

What Does a Caregiver Do?

A caregiver, also called a personal care assistant, offers qualified personal care. They help older adults with physical needs such as bathing, toileting, dressing, positioning, walking and eating. They can also provide minor medical care.

What Does a Companion Do?

A companion caregiver helps older adults who need nonmedical assistance with aspects of daily living. Their primary purpose is to support mental health by providing socialization and companionship.

A few ways a companion caregiver may support an older adult include:

  • Playing games or doing activities together
  • Planning, preparing and cleaning up meals
  • Performing light housekeeping
  • Helping with laundry
  • Running errands with or for an older adult
  • Providing transportation

Companion Care vs. Caregiver Requirements

A main difference between companions and caregivers is the type of requirements associated with these careers. Because caregivers and companions offer different kinds of services and assistance, they have different training requirements to ensure they are prepared to provide the best support to their clients.

What Kind of Training Is Required for a Traditional Caregiver vs. a Companion Caregiver?

A traditional caregiver must complete extensive training to provide the physical assistance an older adult may need. They should be licensed and certified to handle physical and minor medical needs.

While companion care has no specific or formal training requirements, companions must be dedicated and compassionate individuals who are able to meet the mental and emotional needs of their clients. A good candidate for a companion is someone who is patient, kind, positive and respectful. They should be able to make their clients feel comfortable to help alleviate any feelings of loneliness and enhance overall well-being.

How Corewood Care Can Help

At Corewood Care, we understand that every individual has unique needs. That’s why we develop personalized care plans that suit each client’s situation. Our at-home care providers work closely with clients to ensure their safety and comfort as they live independently and age in place. 

We believe every individual deserves to receive respect and quality care, which is why we are selective and attentive in our hiring process. We hire only the best caregivers and companions to ensure the highest level of care for the older adult in your life. Our caregivers and companions come with various training backgrounds, enabling us to match the right care professional to your family. 

Schedule a Free Assessment Today

When an older adult in your life requires dedicated, compassionate care, you can trust Corewood Care to provide the services you need. Schedule a free assessment today to discover which type of care is right for your family. We are happy to provide more information about our companion care services and how we can support you in supporting the older adult in your life.

Nutrition Month: A Guide to Healthy Eating for Older Adults

March is Nutrition Month, an opportune time to spotlight the significance of nutrition in the lives of older adults. As we age, our nutritional needs evolve, making it crucial to adapt our diets to meet these changing requirements. For older adults, proper nutrition can help manage chronic conditions, maintain mental acuteness, increase energy levels, and improve immunity. As a home care agency dedicated to the well-being of seniors, we understand the unique dietary challenges they face. Here’s how caregivers and families can support older adults in adopting healthier eating habits for a fulfilling, nourished life.

Understanding Nutritional Needs of Older Adults

Aging affects metabolism, and the body may require fewer calories but more of certain nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, fiber, and B vitamins. Additionally, hydration is crucial since the sense of thirst may diminish with age.

1. Encourage a Variety of Nutrient-Rich Foods

Diverse diets ensure a wide range of essential nutrients. Encourage colorful plates filled with fruits and vegetables, lean proteins (like fish, chicken, and legumes), whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. These foods are packed with the nutrients older adults need without too many extra calories.

2. Prioritize Whole, Minimally Processed Foods

Whole foods are not only more nutritious but also easier for older adults to digest. Processed foods can be high in sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fats, which are particularly harmful to senior health, potentially exacerbating heart and kidney conditions.

3. Manage Portion Sizes

With a slower metabolism, older adults need fewer calories. Managing portion sizes can help prevent weight gain and control conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. Using smaller plates and bowls can naturally help reduce portion sizes without feeling deprived.

4. Ensure Adequate Hydration

Older adults are at a higher risk of dehydration. Encourage regular intake of fluids throughout the day, not just when they feel thirsty. Water, herbal teas, and water-rich fruits and vegetables are excellent for staying hydrated.

5. Adapt Eating Habits to Health Needs

Many older adults manage chronic conditions that require specific diets (e.g., low sodium for high blood pressure, or sugar control for diabetes). Tailoring meals to these needs while ensuring they’re balanced and nutritious is key.

6. Simplify Meal Preparation

Cooking can become a challenge with age due to physical limitations or lack of motivation. Home care agencies can assist by preparing meals or teaching simple, nutritious recipes that are easy to make. Meal delivery services tailored to seniors can also be a valuable resource.

7. Encourage Social Meals

Eating alone can decrease appetite and enjoyment of food. Whenever possible, make meals a social event. This can be within the household, with friends, or at community senior centers.

8. Monitor and Adapt to Changes in Appetite and Ability

Changes in medication, health status, and physical ability can affect appetite and the ability to eat. Regularly assess and adapt to these changes, whether that means shifting to softer foods, enhancing flavors without salt, or addressing dental issues that make eating difficult.

9. Educate on Reading Nutrition Labels

Help older adults understand nutrition labels to make healthier choices when shopping. Focus on low sodium options, whole grains, and avoiding added sugars and unhealthy fats.

10. Celebrate Nutritional Wins

Every step towards healthier eating is a victory. Celebrate these moments, whether it’s trying a new vegetable, drinking more water, or cooking a meal at home. Positive reinforcement can motivate continued progress.


Nutrition Month is a reminder of the power of food in enhancing the quality of life, especially for older adults. By focusing on nutrient-rich foods, staying hydrated, and adapting to the unique needs of aging, caregivers and seniors can work together towards achieving better health and well-being. Remember, small changes can lead to significant benefits, and every meal is an opportunity to nourish the body and soul.

Home Health Care vs. Older Adult Home Care

It can be confusing to find the exact service and care necessary for an older adult. You may encounter terms for home health care, home care, personal care and companion care services that can be tricky to understand. At Corewood Care, we provide many of these services across the greater Montgomery and Prince George’s counties in Maryland, Northern Virginia and the Washington D.C. region, in accordance with our licensures. In this guide, we’ll explain the difference between home health and older adult home care to make it easier to find the necessary services for you or your family member.

What Is Home Health Care?

Home health and home care services have some similarities in service capabilities, but they are not the same. Let’s begin with home health care. This term describes more in-depth, skilled medical care that comes to the home so the client doesn’t have to visit a doctor’s office or other medical provider. Home health care may be necessary to treat a chronic health condition or during recovery from surgery or a serious illness or injury. 

These services are considered clinical or skilled care, so licensed caregivers provide them. Home health caregivers can range from a registered nurse (RN) to a certified nurse’s aide (CNA), according to pertinent licensure requirements. Private insurance companies or Medicare and Medicaid will usually cover these services. 

Providers often prescribe home care or recommend it as part of a care plan. Older adults may need home health care if they require supervision after a medication change, recently received a discharge from a skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation center, or lack the ability to travel safely to a doctor’s office. Other older adults may need this care if they experience a decline in their functions that requires therapies to help regain their independence. 

Home health services can include health monitoring, medical tests, medication administration, pain management and wound care. Although a home health care provider may offer some similar services as a home care provider, such as medication reminders, they will not deliver the same personal touch, social interactions or daily activity assistance as home care.

What Is Non-Medical Older Adult Care?

Home care usually refers to making life better for older adults as they age in whatever location they call home, including independent living facilities, apartments or houses. Home care is non-medical care and can include services like transporting the client, assisting with dressing and grooming, house cleaning and toileting assistance. Some people also refer to home care as a personal care service because caregivers will use a holistic approach to meet the client’s needs while helping with hygiene, medication reminders and other unique challenges.

Home care can be a long- or short-term service. For instance, home care may be a temporary need for someone recently released from the hospital. Home care can also provide valuable social interaction, making older adults feel more comfortable. 

Choosing Home Care or Home Health Care

Ultimately, choosing home care or home health care will depend on each client’s unique needs. If a client needs wound care, specialized therapies or medication administration, they will be more suitable for home health care. Meanwhile, older adults needing assistance navigating activities of daily life (ADLs) can benefit from home care. 

Chart of services for home health care versus senior home care

However, when choosing necessary services, you should also consider price. Although both types of care typically have an hourly rate, home health care services may be more expensive because the caregiver can administer licensed medical support. If an older adult needs or wants both types of care, it’s possible to create a more budget-friendly schedule that allows for each type of assistance. This way, the client can receive the medical attention they need from home while also accessing a supportive and dedicated caregiver to help them navigate daily activities.

Get Support at Home From Corewood Care

At Corewood Care, we tailor in-home care services to each client. Our home caregivers also help keep the client engaged during our visits with conversation and interaction. The term companion care refers to the more social side of home care — these clients perhaps do not need help with bathing or grooming but would benefit from someone to play cards with, reminisce with or engage in activities that keep the brain stimulated.

Corewood Care can provide the customized in-home care an older adult needs to feel comfortable while they rest, heal or navigate their homes. We’ve served clients across the region with home care services, respite care and 24/7 care for many years. If we can be of service, answer questions or help find the right service, please give us a call at 301-909-8117, schedule a free home assessment or use our chat.

10 Simple Steps to a Healthier Heart for Older Adults

Heart health is crucial at any age, but for older adults, taking steps to protect the heart can significantly improve quality of life and independence. As a home care agency dedicated to the well-being of seniors, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities in promoting heart health among the elderly. Here are ten simple, caregiver-friendly steps to support heart health in older adults.

1. Adopt a Heart-Healthy Diet

Encourage a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. For older adults, focus on easy-to-prepare, nutrient-dense foods that are high in fiber and low in sodium to help manage blood pressure and cholesterol.

2. Promote Regular Physical Activity

Physical activity is essential, even for those with limited mobility. Tailor exercises to the individual’s ability, focusing on activities like walking, chair yoga, or light stretching exercises that can maintain cardiovascular health without overexertion.

3. Support a Healthy Weight

Help seniors maintain a healthy weight through balanced nutrition and regular activity. This often involves managing portion sizes and ensuring meals are well-balanced.

4. Encourage Smoking Cessation

For seniors who smoke, offer support and resources to help them quit. This might include connecting them with local support groups or exploring nicotine replacement therapies, under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

5. Moderate Alcohol Consumption

Advise moderation in alcohol intake, as excessive drinking can exacerbate health issues, including those related to heart health.

6. Manage Stress Effectively

Help seniors find ways to manage stress through activities like reading, listening to music, engaging in hobbies, or mindfulness practices. Caregivers can play a significant role in identifying sources of stress and providing comfort and support.

7. Monitor Blood Pressure Regularly

Keep a regular check on blood pressure, utilizing home monitoring devices if necessary. This can help detect changes early and adjust care plans accordingly.

8. Manage Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels

With the guidance of healthcare professionals, ensure that seniors are maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol and triglycerides through diet, exercise, and medication when prescribed.

9. Ensure Adequate Sleep

Promote good sleep hygiene by establishing a regular bedtime routine, ensuring the sleeping environment is comfortable and quiet, and addressing any sleep disturbances promptly with healthcare providers.

10. Facilitate Regular Health Screenings

Ensure that older adults are keeping up with regular health screenings and doctor’s appointments. This includes managing appointments for them and providing transportation if needed.


Caring for the heart is a lifelong journey, and for older adults, maintaining heart health is key to enjoying a fulfilling, independent life. As caregivers, we play a vital role in supporting the heart health of the seniors in our care, through both our actions and by fostering an environment that prioritizes their well-being. By implementing these ten simple steps, we can make a significant positive impact on the heart health of the older adults we serve.

How to Support Your Loved One Following Surgery

Recovery after surgery is a slow and sensitive process for older adults. The surgery itself is already nerve-wracking, as the risk of complications is higher for older adults. Couple that with a longer and often more intensive recovery process, and it’s easy to see why older adults need physical and emotional support during and after surgery. 

From helping with medications and ensuring the home is conducive to their needs to transporting them to physical therapy appointments and checkups, there are many ways you can care for older adults following surgery. 

Returning Home From the Hospital

Returning home from the hospital is undoubtedly exciting. However, it can also be overwhelming for older adults, especially if their mobility has been affected or they have many medications to keep track of. To help make their transition easier, follow these steps to welcome them home: 

  1. Take time off: If you have the flexibility, you may want to schedule some days off following their surgery. If you cannot take more than a few days off, you may want to enlist the help of a professional caregiver. 
  2. Make their home more comfortable: We’ll cover this more below, but before they arrive home, clear the floor of tripping hazards and ensure there’s enough room between furniture for your family member to move comfortably.  
  3. Set up activities: Think of some hobbies for your family member as they recover. You can set them up for success with board games, books, movies, puzzles, mobile games, magazines or sewing to keep them occupied and content.
  4. Clean up: Nothing says “welcome home” like a clean house. Before your family member comes home, make sure things are clean and shiny. However, remember that you might want to avoid reorganizing — they could get frustrated when something is not in its usual place. 
  5. Take them through the changes: Give your friend or family member a tour of the changes to their home to decrease any feelings of stress.

Supporting older adults after surgery can be both satisfying and overwhelming. Prepare ahead of time, ask their nurses and doctors for any advice, and you’ll enjoy a smooth and informative transition. 

Making Their Home More Comfortable 

There are many ways to make a home more recovery-friendly and safer for everyone. Think of all the rooms your older adult will visit in the house and how these can be made more comfortable. Here are some ideas:

  • Remove unnecessarily obstructive and unsafe furniture, or move it so that it doesn’t block traffic.
  • If your friend or family member lives in a two-story home and cannot navigate stairs after surgery, move their bedroom furniture to the first floor. 
  • Consider purchasing helpful items like nonslip bathmats. 
  • Ensure the home and your family member’s room have enough lighting to make things easier to see.
  • Make sure medications, water, food, plates and silverware are within reach. 
  • Set your family member up in a room with its own bathroom, and ensure adequate hygiene tools for incontinence episodes.
  • Stock up on healthy foods with lots of vitamins, like fruits and vegetables. 

Before they come home — or perhaps before their surgery — you can also ask your friend or family member how they want their house set up. For example, they may want their slippery wood floors to be covered with rugs.

Showing Support by Staying Positive

When we use positivity correctly, it can have powerful effects on our psyche and mood. Though this may be challenging when your friend or family member is in pain or frustrated, seeing the best in every situation always helps. 

Focus on the progress they make. Be their biggest cheerleader when they experience small wins. Invite family members to liven things up. Encourage peaceful time alone for them to engage in hobbies. And always make sure they know they have people rooting for them. 

Changing up the scenery can also make a difference in mindset. If possible, take a walk in the fresh air or set up chairs for stargazing or cloud-watching. You can also take your family member with you on errands. Keeping them involved and active is healthy and stimulating. 

If you’re having trouble staying positive, it might be beneficial to share caregiving responsibilities with another person. Finding a professional caregiver can take some of the weight off our shoulders while ensuring your family member is being cared for properly.

Helping With Daily Activities

The surgery recovery process is physically, mentally and emotionally tough. Helping an older parent after surgery means assisting with daily activities like eating, walking, dressing or bathing. Here are some ways you can help them navigate day-to-day recovery:

  • Help them get to appointments: Older adults will likely have follow-up appointments after surgery. Help transport them to these appointments and take notes to remember all of the information.
  • Encourage movement: While it may be tempting for them to stay still, especially if they’re recovering from knee or hip surgery, it’s not necessarily healthy. Work with their physical therapist or doctor to find ways to incorporate movement or exercises into the day, gradually increasing frequency and difficulty as appropriate.
  • Grab things for them: What’s not heavy to you might be too heavy for an older adult as they recover from surgery. If something is too high or too heavy, you can step in. However, try not to step in when they don’t need help, as this can frustrate them. 
  • Keep track of medications and appointments: Help your friend or family member keep track of their appointments and medications so that they stay on track with recovery. It’s wise to write everything down in a planner or notebook. 

Being Mindful of Hospital Delirium

Hospital delirium affects around one-third of patients over 70, especially those who have undergone surgery. Symptoms of hospital delirium can include confusion, difficulty understanding speech, agitation, jumbled memory, hallucinations or disorientation. If your friend or family member experiences delirium after surgery, remain patient and supportive. Make sure they stay hydrated and get adequate sleep, and help orient them to their surroundings by introducing familiar personal items like stuffed animals or photographs. 

Keep your family member’s doctor updated on delirium episodes, as well. They can further advise you on what to do and how to support your family member. 

Receive Support From a Corewood Care Caregiver

Supporting an older adult after surgery can be a daunting task, and it’s perfectly OK to feel like you’re out of your depth. Getting help from a professional may be the best thing that you can do for your situation. The expert caregivers at Corewood Care can provide hospital-to-home transitional care services, as well as assistance before and after surgery. Contact us online to find the best care option for your friend or family member recovering from surgery.

How Much Does Dementia Care Cost?

Dementia is different for everyone, but all individuals with it deserve compassionate and kind care to help them through each day. Due to the differences individuals with dementia can experience, their care plans are also highly personalized. While care is essential, understanding what you’re paying for is also crucial so you can provide professional help to your beloved family member.

At Corewood Care, we understand the financial worries and challenges of finding dementia care for your family member. We break down how much dementia care costs and the payment options for it.

Treatments for Dementia and Alzheimer’s

The cost of dementia care differs based on the type of treatment your relative is receiving. Common types of dementia care include:

  • In-home care
  • Live-in care
  • Assisted living facilities
  • Adult daycare
  • Respite care

Paying for Dementia Care

In addition to the type of care your relative receives, some other cost considerations include:

  • If medical treatment and equipment are necessary
  • Medication distribution
  • Hours of service needed, such as half a day or 24/7 care

Non-medical caregivers for in-home care are often paid hourly, averaging around $28.64 in 2022. Assuming you need assistance with caring for your family member with dementia for about 40 hours a week instead of around the clock, the price of care would be about $1,145 per week. As always, the specific agency or organization you’re working with will have their own pricing requirements based on their services and location.

Your payments also differ based on how the facility or agency bills their services. Many in-home care services provided by caregivers are by the hour. You must also consider if insurance will cover some of the expenses before you get the complete picture of how much dementia and Alzheimer’s care costs.

What Does Insurance Cover for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care?

Various insurance and government plans can cover some, if not all, of the costs of dementia care. Each program and what it covers vary based on the policies the individual has in place. For example, long-term insurance, Medicare and Medicaid cover some aspects of in-home dementia care, but all have their caveats.

Long-term insurance: Individuals can receive coverage for their dementia if they already have long-term care insurance before diagnosis. Long-term care often covers licensed home care and assisted living.
Medicare: Medicare only covers some components associated with Alzheimer’s care. It will pay up to 35 hours a week for individuals who are homebound and need home health services, but it may not necessarily cover assistance with daily activities.
Medicaid: Medicaid covers in-home care for individuals with dementia if they would otherwise require nursing home care if they didn’t receive in-home care.
When considering your payment options for dementia care, review the insurance plans and government programs your family member is a part of to try to get the most coverage possible.

Learn More About Corewood Care’s Dementia and Alzheimer’s Services

At Corewood Care, we understand all individuals require individualized care plans for their dementia. We provide comprehensive in-home dementia and Alzheimer’s care services to help individuals access the necessary care.

Learn more about our dementia and Alzheimer’s services by contacting our team today. We’ll help you navigate the options that may be best for your beloved family member.

Some Of The Most Common Cancers Can Be Prevented

Did you know that approximately one-third of cases of the most common cancers in the U.S. could be prevented by eating healthy, being active, and staying lean? 

That’s an estimated 374,000 cases of cancer in the United States that would never happen. 

Corewood’s 3 Guidelines for Cancer Prevention can help you focus on what’s most important.

  • Choose mostly plant foods, limit red meat and avoid processed meat.
  • Be physically active every day in any way for 30 minutes or more.
  • Aim to be a healthy weight throughout life.

Choose mostly plant foods, limit red meat and avoid processed meat. You already know that limiting high-calorie treats is a good idea. But did you know that if you try to prepare meals focused on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans, you’ll help support your body against cancer? 

Be physically active every day in any way for 30 minutes or more. Remember every day – in any way. That means you don’t need a gym membership – you just need to get your heart pumping. Being physically active for a total of at least 30 minutes a day — whether you’re walking, cleaning, dancing, or hiking. Doing these activities can lower your risk for cancer.

Call Us: (301) 909-8117