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News > Elderly insomnia

Elderly insomnia

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Did you know insomnia is present at all ages and affects more people than you think?

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by the difficulty of falling asleep and/or staying asleep. An insomniac will experience these occurrences at least 3 times a week.

There are two stages of insomnia:

  • Acute insomnia
  • Chronic insomnia

Acute insomnia is when these symptoms last less than a month. Chronic insomnia is when the symptoms persist for more than a month.
Insomnia affects the quality and quantity of sleep. This causes daytime sleepiness and fatigue. If this persists, feelings of irritability, anxiety, or depression may occur.

Insomnia is very common among seniors. It affects almost 50% of adults 60 and older.

How do I know if I have insomnia?

Here are some of the most common symptoms of insomnia:

  • Harder and/longer time falling asleep (more then 30-45 minutes),

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