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News > April is National Stress Awareness Month

April is National Stress Awareness Month

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April is designated as the month to focus on both the causes and cures of stress, which is considered to be a modern epidemic. The Health Resource Network annually sponsors April as National Stress Awareness Month to promote public awareness about stress and the associated risks.  Many of us do not recognize the symptoms of stress and often fail to realize the dangers until it is too late.  While stress is a normal part of life, too much can affect emotions, behaviors, the ability to think, and physical health.  According to the Cleveland Clinic, certain diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, peptic ulcer disease, or cardiac disease can worsen with mental stress.

As the population ages, more caregiving is being provided by family members. Those who care for family members are at an increased risk for stress and adverse health outcomes as a result. Family caregivers are often so focused on their loved one’s health, that they fail to realize their own well-being is at risk. Check out Caregiver Stress: Tips for Taking Care of Yourself for more information on the signs of stress and strategies for coping. Make sure to use National Stress Awareness Month as a time to bring extra awareness to the well-being of yourself and others!


The Health Resource Network

Symptoms of Stress

Clevland Clinic

Caregiver Stress: Tips for Taking Care of Yourself

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